Economic responsibility

///Economic responsibility

Slide ulrich medical übernimmt soziale, ökologische und ökonomische Verantwortung für eine nachhaltige Zukunft. Living economic sustainability
in everyday life
For us, living economic responsibility is not a compulsory task. It is an ongoing process with deep significance. Step by step, we are approaching the goal of operating in a way that conserves resources as much as possible. Every day and every step in the right direction count.
Slide Der Energieverbrauch wird geprüft und Einsparmaßnahmen angestrebt Energy consumption always in view The data collection and overview of all energy consumption enables us to perform a detailed analysis for potential savings measures. One example is the carbon footprint, which forms the basis for identifying further follow-up activities. Slide Efficient value chains We generate electricity with the help of our combined heat and power plant. The resulting waste heat is fed into our heating circuit and thus additionally used for heating the buildings. The generated electricity is consumed on site, occasional surpluses are fed into the public power grid. Slide Mit Lean Management zu effizienten Prozessen und Arbeitsabläufen Creating efficient processes together Lean management, which was introduced last year, helps in the cross-departmental assessment of existing and new work processes. Always focusing on customer and company needs, jointly derived ideas are examined and translated into new, efficient processes and structures.

Sustainable growth with location safeguarding

Our sales, which have been rising steadily for years, are proof of our sustainable growth. We continuously use parts of the realized profit for reinvestment and thus strengthen the Ulm site for the future. First and foremost, sustainable measures are taken that combine state-of-the-art technology with the aspect of climate protection.

For more information on our sustainable sales growth, please refer to the press release ulrich medical increases sales by 12 percent (10.02.23)

Lean management for efficient value chains

Lean management has been an integral part of ulrich medical’s corporate policy since 2022. With cross-departmental participation of employees, it is our goal to optimize and regularly scrutinize business and value-added processes. Always focusing on the customer, we develop efficient structures and workflows that reduce the use of resources and capital in the long term.

Economical use of resources through digitization

The digitization of many workflows has not only already saved several tons of paper, ink and toner, but has also effectively put storage capacity to other uses. This is also evident to a large extent in the switch to electronic instructions for use (eIFU) for our products: instead of physically storing all product information materials, they are made available to customers via digital platforms.

Flexible working hours and multiple use

By scheduling their working hours individually and flexibly, employees can avoid traffic-intensive and time-consuming commutes and organize their working day effectively. In addition to better management of work resources, CO2 emissions due to potential congestion can also be avoided.

Well-planned workflows within departments ensure that desks and other equipment are used multiple times by employees and that the distribution of location-limited space efficiently goes hand in hand with the progressive increase in the number of employees.

ulrich medical übernimmt ökologische Verantwortung für eine nachhaltige Zukunft

Ecological responsibility

We are already setting the course today for a sustainable ecological future. To this end, we are reducing our consumption of resources and proactively supporting species conservation.

ulrich medical übernimmt soziale Verantwortung für eine nachhaltige Zukunft

Social responsibility

For many years, ulrich medical has supported social projects and knowledge transfer across borders. The active participation of employees also opens the way to a sustainable future.


Steffen Kölsch
Vice President Operations and Quality Management