Social responsibility

///Social responsibility

Slide ulrich medical übernimmt soziale, ökologische und ökonomische Verantwortung für eine nachhaltige Zukunft. Social sustainability in everyday life ulrich medical is responsible for over 500 employees. We stand for equal opportunities and a sense of community. One of the most important core elements is the daily respectful and appreciative interaction with each other. With our social policy we support our employees as well as their environment. Externally, we also bear our social responsibility and support groups, associations and other partnerships. Slide Kommunikation, Teamfähigkeit und soziale Kompetenz stehen im Fokus für die Azubis von ulrich medical Social learning from the beginning Since 2013, the "Social Learning" project has been an integral part of training at ulrich medical. Here, the trainees initiate their own projects and carry them out on their own responsibility. The focus and goal here are to strengthen communication and teamwork skills as well as tolerance and understanding. Slide Die ulrich medical runners starten bei gemeinnützigen Läufen für einen guten Zweck Participation in charity runs Sport is good for body and mind - especially if it is fun and for a good cause. With this goal in mind, the ulrich runners regularly take part in the annual ESF Charity Run at the EUROSPINE Congress, among other events. The collected donations are used especially in spine research. Slide Blood donations for a good cause Once again, numerous employees volunteered and donated their blood for a good cause in July 2023.
In cooperation with the DRK Kreisverband Ulm e.V., the annual blood donation campaign was carried out for the 9th time.
Traditionally, the event was supported by the trainees, who took care of the set-up, support of the donors and registration.

We live health

The focus of our products is the recovery process of patients. In addition, the health of our employees is also very important to us. That’s why we offer a wide range of programs and measures to promote health and a good work-life balance. In this way, we ensure that more than 500 people can pursue their careers with strength and motivation.

Knowledge transfer across borders

ulrich medical maintains partnerships on all continents. We use our networks to promote the exchange of medical and scientific knowledge across borders. We welcome medical specialists from all over the world with special job shadowing opportunities for foreign doctors in German clinics and international events of both a theoretical and practical nature.

Social partnerships

Successful cooperations between ulrich medical and social institutions have already existed for many years. For example, the regional facility of the TANNENHOF Foundation for the Disabled has been taking care of ulrich medical’s green plants and areas for almost 10 years. Our employees, for their part, can spend one working day a year helping out at a social facility of their choice as part of the “Together and For Each Other” project. For this purpose, they are released for the day.

We have also been working with the DRK Kreisverband Ulm e.V. since 2011. The areas of involvement range from annual blood donations to support for the Ulmer Tafel food bank and the personal commitment of employees at the Ulmer Vesperkirche. Furthermore, people who want to re-enter the world of work have the opportunity to complete internships or job application training at ulrich medical.

Active participation of employees

To ensure that ulrich medical continues to meet the requirements of many generations of employees in the future, regular employee surveys are conducted. The results make it clear to us which paths must be taken in order to do justice to modern corporate management. With appropriate measures, we are setting the course for the secure and stable workplace of tomorrow.

ulrich medical übernimmt ökologische Verantwortung für eine nachhaltige Zukunft

Ecological responsibility

We are already setting the course today for a sustainable ecological future. To this end, we are reducing our consumption of resources and proactively supporting species conservation.

ulrich medical übernimmt ökonomische Verantwortung für eine nachhaltige Zukunft

Economic responsibility

We take care of economic sustainability with energy-saving measures.
Site protection and digitization play a central role here.


Svenja Steck
Assistant to the CEO